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Sparkly Ice

Religious Music : Christians, Sing Out With Exultation [Lyrics]

Christians, sing out with exultation
And praise your Benefactor's Name
Today the Author of salvation
The Father's well belovиd came.

Of undefilиd virgin mother
An Infant, all divine, was born
And God Himself became your Brother
Upon this happy Christmas morn.

In Him eternal might and power
To human weakness hath inclined
And this poor Child brings richest dower
Of gifts and graces to mankind.

While here His Majesty disguising
A servant's form the Master wears
Behold the beams of glory rising
E'en from His poverty and tears.

A stable serves Him for a dwelling
And for a bed a manger mean
Yet o'er His head, His advent telling
A new and wondrous star is seen.

Angels rehearse to men the story
The joyful story of His birth
To Him they raise the anthem "Glory
To God on high, and peace on earth! "

For through this holy Incarnation
The primal curse is done away
And blessиd peace o'er all creation
Hath she'd it's pure and gentle ray.

Then, in that heavenly concert joining
O Christian men, with one accord
Your voices tunefully combining
Salute the birthday of your Lord!...